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We can provide advice, ongoing support, casework and representation for individuals in a range of employment matters. We only act for individuals, not businesses.

Employment Law

How we help you

We advise on:

  • Discrimination, including discrimination on the ground of sex, maternity and pregnancy, race and disability.

  • A failure to make reasonable adjustments for those with disabilities.

  • Harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment.

  • Unfair dismissal.

  • Non-payment of wages.

  • COT3 agreements.

  • Disciplinary and capability procedures

  • Redundancies

  • Health and safety issues (including Covid-19 issues).


Please note that we have limited resources. Therefore, we are not able to guarantee ongoing advice or support.
If you are given a contribution to legal costs for a Settlement Agreement (also known as a Compromise Agreement), please find a local solicitor at the Law Society.
Where appropriate, we refer to other agencies who may be able to offer support.




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Employment Telephone advice line


Wednesdays: 10 am - 12 noon

020 8853 9993

This day and time is an Employment only Advice Line.

You can also email with your enquiry.

Who can we assist?

Our work is aimed at those who cannot access other advice. 


Are you a member of a trade union? You can ask your trade union representative to refer your matter to a trade union solicitor. Your monthly subscription usually covers the cost of legal advice at work. Please call your trade union representative as soon as possible.


Do you have Legal Expenses Insurance? This insurance can be found on lots of different types of insurance, including home and car insurance. You may be able to access a private solicitor for free through your insurance. Please call your insurance company to confirm.

Limitation dates

Time Limits in Employment Tribunal claims are very short.
As a general rule, you must begin a process called Acas Early Conciliation three months minus one day from the date of the incident you are claiming about (e.g. the date of your dismissal) at the latest.
You must submit a claim to the Employment Tribunal within the month following receiving an Acas Certificate from Acas.


This is general advice only. You must seek legal advice to ensure you do not miss your limitation date.

Other online advice

Citizens Advice >
Online employment advice


Acas >
Online guidance and a helpline for employment advice.


Rights of women >

For advice on sexual harassment in the workplace

Alternative Sources of Specialist Employment Advice


General employment Specialist services : 

The RCJ Citizens Advice’s specialist Employment Advice Service: 

BPP’s Employment Law Telephone Advice Line (ELTAL): 

University of Greenwich’s Legal Advice Centre: 

University of Kent’s Law Clinic:  Free Legal Answers (a LawWorks project): 

One-off legal advice on family, debt, consumer, housing and employment. Info here:


Sexual harassment: 

Rights of Women’s advice line: 

For those who want business advice, including those who are self-employed: 

BPP’s Enterprise Clinic: 


Settlement agreements (previously known as compromise agreements) where the employer will pay a fixed-fee: 

A local solicitor from: 


Representation needed: 

Advocate (no referral needed): 


Support needed in work of for return to work, especially with long-term sickness absence: 

Time to Talk Employment Support Service: 

Feedback from clients


“You have reminded me, at a particularly difficult and troublesome point in life, that there are many decent people in the world committed to helping others.”


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